Impacts of Social Media on Youth: What’s The Reality?

Introduction: The effects of Social Media on the Youth

Teens may construct online identities, engage with others, and form social networks via social media platforms. The resources available via these networks may greatly assist youth, particularly those who are marginalized, have impairments, or suffer from chronic diseases. However, social media use can have impacts on youth, distracting them from their studies and disrupting their sleep, as well as exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people’s lives, peer pressure, and, in some cases, causing mental health issues as a result of their use of social media.

How does social media affect youth mental health?

For teenagers today, it should come as no surprise that the demand to be present on social media 24 hours a day, seven days a week, is a very real difficulty. Aside from their understanding of and reliance on social media considerably surpassing that of many adults, teenagers also utilize social media at far higher rates than many adults.

Here are some of the ways social media has affected the youth:

  • Cyberbullying: Teen girls, in particular, are in danger of cyberbullying because of their use of social media, but teen guys are not exempt from the threat. Cyberbullying has been linked to despair, anxiety, and an increased risk of suicide ideation among young people.
  • Putting emphasis on likes: It is common for teens to make decisions they would not normally make because of the desire to obtain “likes” on social media, such as changing their looks, participating in undesirable behaviors, or taking dangerous social media challenges.
  • Having an excessive number of phony buddies: Even with privacy settings in place, kids may amass a large number of friends via the network of friends of friends they make on social networking sites. The greater the number of individuals on a friend list, the greater the number of people who have access to screenshot photographs, Snaps, and updates and may use them for various reasons. On social media, there is no such thing as privacy.
  • Face time is being reduced: Even teenagers need to practice their social interaction skills on a regular basis. When kids spend more time “engaging” online than in person, fostering empathy and compassion is difficult, two of our most powerful weapons in the fight against bullying. Connecting with others is a significant tool that helps people develop talents that will last a lifetime.
  • Comparing and contrasting: Despite the fact that many teenagers are aware that their classmates only post their best moments on social media, it is very difficult to resist drawing comparisons. Everything from one’s physical appearance to one’s living circumstances to one’s perceived triumphs and failures is scrutinized on social media platforms.

Impacts of Social media on Parenting & Family Life

Social media platforms have transformed our ability to communicate, get news, and share our lives with others. In this new world where social media provides us with our own personal soapbox with no restrictions, it has also had an impact on how we raise our children. Take a look at how social media has altered the way we parent—and what you can do to make social media a more positive experience for you and your family—before you post that next cute picture of your kid and wait for the likes to roll in. Some of the ways parenting has been affected:

  • We Compare
  • We Overshare
  • We Overcommit Our Time
  • We Create Fame-Hungry Kids
  • We Brag (Too Much)
  • We Force a Picture-Perfect Moment
  • We Create a Digital Footprint
  • We Focus on Likes

The Effectiveness of Social Media as a Tool for Suicide Prevention

Using social networking sites for suicide prevention awareness establishes social connections among peers who have had similar experiences and raises knowledge of suicide prevention programs, crisis hotlines, and other support and educational resources. People directly or indirectly involved with these programs reported that the intervention was acceptable and had seen improvements in their willingness to intervene against suicide and their perceived self-efficacy, confidence, and safety when communicating about suicide on social media.

Conclusion – Should We Be Worried About Social Media’s Impacts on Health Behaviors & Habits?

 “Excess of everything is bad.”

Social media has a self-reinforcing quality to it. Dopamine, a “feel-good neurotransmitter” associated with enjoyable activities such as sexual encounters, eating, and social engagement, is released into the body when used. The platforms are intentionally meant to be addictive and have been linked to anxiety, despair, and even medical illnesses in certain users. Parents may make a strategy for how much time their children and other family members will spend on electronic gadgets. Children learn to use media responsibly and maintain excellent sleep hygiene via strategies like these.

When teenagers begin to use social media, parents might urge them to give in to their phones at night with the knowledge that their postings and messages would be reviewed by their children’s parents. This allows parents to stay informed since, at times, young people may disclose their challenges online while their parents are unaware of them. Teens are also reminded that anything they post on the internet leaves a lasting digital footprint, which may be tracked. In this case, it should not be made public since they don’t want their parents to view it.

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