Common General Surgery CPT Codes

General surgery is a medical branch specializing in performing surgical operations to address stomach, skin, breasts, soft tissues, and endocrine system diseases. General surgery is integral to contemporary healthcare and is practiced in various medical centers.

Surgeons specializing in general surgery are taught to perform a vast range of surgical procedures on patients of all ages, from minimally invasive to laparoscopic to open surgery. General surgeons undertake elective treatments, such as lumpectomies, and emergency surgeries, such as appendectomies.

They generally manage complex surgical situations involving preoperative examination, surgical treatment, and postoperative follow-up. This article will briefly overview the most frequently used CPT codes for general surgery procedures. So, let’s get going.

List of General Surgery CPT Codes

  1. 99201-99499:

(E/M) Evaluation and Management Codes

When the surgeon provides a service under “evaluation” or “management,” such as an office visit or a consultation, these billing codes are used.

  1. 10021-69990:

Procedures in Surgery:

This category covers various surgical techniques, from basic to complex. Here are a few examples:

  • 10021: biopsy using a fine needle but without imaging guidance.
  • 20610: A large joint or bursa may be aspirated, aspirated, or injected.
  • 43235: biopsy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.


  1. 11000-11983:

Codes for Debridement:

The surgeon applies these codes when debriding or eliminating diseased, damaged, or infected tissue from a wound or ulcer. Such as:

  • 11042: Debridement of the first 20 square centimeters or less of subcutaneous tissue (including epidermis and dermis).
  • 11721: The scale of debridement is one to five nails.


  1. 20100-29999:

Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System:

These procedures span a variety of musculoskeletal-related operations, such as joint surgery, bone grafts, and fracture repairs. Examples include

  • 23120: Partially removing a bone (craterization, saucerization, or diaphysectomy, for example); tibia or fibula.
  • 27244: Total hip replacement surgery, either autograft or allograft


  1. 30000-39999:

Procedures for the Respiratory System

Lung resection and bronchoscopy are two procedures in this spectrum that deal with the respiratory system. Such as:

  • 31624: Bronchoscopy, whether rigid or flexible, with or without fluoroscopic guiding; diagnostic, with or without washing of cells
  • 32656: Surgical thoracoscopy combined with a unilateral wedge or incisional lung infiltration diagnostic biopsies.


  1. 40000-49999:

Procedures for the cardiovascular system:

This spectrum comprises cardiovascular system-related procedures like angioplasty, bypass surgery, and pacemaker installation. Examples include:

  • 42820: Modifying or moving the skin pocket where the pacemaker or implanted defibrillator is placed.
  • 37221: Unilateral primary iliac artery endovascular revascularization by open or percutaneous access.


  1. 50010-53899:

Procedures for the genitourinary system:

This category covers genitourinary system-related procedures, including kidney surgeries, bladder treatments, and urethral interventions. Examples include:

  • 50590: Ureteroscopy, including ureteral catheterization, with or without biopsy, fulguration, irrigation, and any of these procedures.
  • 52281: Fulluracation (freezing or lasering) of the trigone, bladder neck, prostatic fossa, urethra, or periurethral glands during a cystourethroscopy.


  1. 54000-58999:

Procedures for the Digestive System:

This spectrum covers operations on the digestive system, including gastrointestinal surgeries, hernia repairs, and gallbladder removal. For instance:

  • 54050: Orchiopexy can be done through the groin or the scrotum, with or without hernia repair.
  • 47562: cholecystectomy through laparoscopy combined with cholangiography.


  1. 60000-60699:

Procedures of the female genital system:

This spectrum covers operations on the digestive system, including gastrointestinal surgeries, hernia repairs, and gallbladder removal. Examples include:

  • 58100: Hysterectomy of the entire abdominal cavity (corpus and cervix), with or without removing the tube(s), and with or without removal of the ovary(s).
  • 58970: Treatment for enterocele.


  1. 61000-64999:

Procedures of the Male Genital System:

This category contains procedures involving the male genital system, such as vasectomies, prostate surgeries, and testicular treatments. For instance:

  • 62140: Orchidectomy, abdominal approach, for torsion of the testis.
  • 55866: Vasovasostomy (a vasoepididymostomy) is a separate operation.


  1. 65069-68899:

Procedures for the Endocrine System:

This category covers endocrine system-related operations such as thyroidectomies, parathyroid surgeries, and adrenal gland operations. Examples include:

  • 60220: Thyrotoxic lobectomy
  • 60500: Autotransplantation or a parathyroidectomy


  1. 70000 – 79999:

Nervous System Operations:

This category covers interventions on peripheral nerves, spine operations, and other nervous system-related procedures like brain surgery. Examples include:

  • 61510: A craniectomy or craniotomy is performed to remove supratentorial brain tumors other than meningiomas
  • 63047: Lumbar laminectomy for extradural excision or evacuation of an intraspinal lesion other than a tumor.


  1. 92920 – 93799:

Procedures for the cardiovascular system:

Cardiovascular operations such as angiograms, catheterizations, and stent implantations fall within this range. Examples include:

  • 93458: Right heart coronary angiography with pressure and oxygen saturation readings.
  • 92928: Single primary or branch coronary artery percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.


  1. 93922 – 94799:

Nuclear Medicine Procedures:

X-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans are just a few of the radiological methods utilized in general surgery that fall under this category. For instance:

  • 93970: A duplex scan shows the contents of the abdomen, pelvis, scrotum, or retroperitoneum showing artery inflow and venous outflow.
  • 76645: Unilateral, real-time, image-documented ultrasound of the breast(s).


  1. 95004-95199:

Procedures in Allergy and Immunology:

This category of procedures covers immunology and allergy-related processes, such as administering immunotherapy and doing allergy testing. For instance:

  • 95004: Percutaneous tests (scratch, prick, and puncture) using allergenic extracts that cause an instantaneous reaction, including test interpretation and report, specify the number of tests.
  • 95165: Single injection; professional services for the direction of antigen preparation and supply for allergy immunotherapy.


  1. 96360-96549:

Administration of Therapeutic, Chemotherapy, and Hydration:

These codes cover the delivery of chemotherapy, therapeutic infusions, and intravenous hydration. Examples include:

  • 96361: Hydration by intravenous infusion; every extra hour; list individually in addition to primary procedure code.
  • 96413: Up to an hour of chemotherapy using an intravenous infusion approach.


  1. 99000-99099:

Reports, procedures, and special services:

Codes representing unique services, processes, and reports that don’t fit into other specified categories are included in this range. For instance:

  • 99000: Transporting a specimen from a doctor’s office to a lab, including handling it.
  • 99080: Unlike regular medical communications or ordinary reporting forms, special reports, like insurance forms, offer more information.



General surgery is an essential branch of medicine that helps diagnose, treat, and care for a wide range of surgical diseases. Understanding these frequent CPT codes is essential for conducting appropriate billing procedures, maintaining proper documentation, and obtaining fair reimbursement for general surgical operations.

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