Mastering CPT Codes for Radiology Procedures

In radiology, CPT codes are standardized to identify medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures. X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasounds are examples of radiology treatments with unique CPT codes.

The processes involved in radiology can be complex, and the billing for these services can be accomplished using a large variety of codes. Here, we’ll look closely at several essential CPT codes for radiological procedures in the ICD-11 coding system.

Radiology for Diagnosis

Medical disorders can be pinpointed with the help of diagnostic radiological treatments. X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans are common imaging modalities used during these operations.

The following are some of the essential CPT codes for diagnostic radiology in ICD-11:

  • 71045 – Chest X-ray, isolated image
  • 72148 – Contrast-free thoracic spine MRI
  • 74181 – Abdominal and pelvic CT scan with contrast
  • 76645 – Abdominal ultrasound
  • 76883 – Complete ultrasound, real-time cine scanning with picture documentation, nerve(s), and associated structures across their anatomical path in one extremity.

Radiologic Interventions

The field of interventional radiology focuses on diagnosing and treating medical disorders through minimally invasive therapies. Little equipment or devices are inserted into the body during these procedures, and imaging technology is generally used to guide their precise placement.

  • 37241 – non-coronary intravascular stent implantation via catheter
  • 37242 – coronary intravascular stent implantation by catheterization
  • 49406 – Peritoneal abscess drainage and localized peritonitis
  • 61624 – Treatment of cerebral aneurysms endovascularly
  • 33900 – First stent insertion for percutaneous pulmonary artery revascularization; bilateral regular native connections
  • 33901 – First stent insertion for percutaneous pulmonary artery revascularization; bilateral regular native connections
  • 33902 – First stent insertion for percutaneous pulmonary artery revascularization; unilateral aberrant connections
  • 33903 – First stent insertion for percutaneous pulmonary artery revascularization; abnormal bilateral connections
  • +33904 (Additional code) – Stent installation for percutaneous pulmonary artery revascularization, each additional vessel or lesion, normal or pathological connections (List apart from the code for the primary procedure)

Radiotherapy for cancer

Cancer treatment often involves radiation oncology techniques. These techniques frequently use high-energy radiation to eliminate cancerous cells.

  • 77427 – delivery of radiation therapy via 1-3 channels
  • 77431 – Delivering radiation therapy, simply
  • 77432 – Intermediate-level distribution of radiotherapy
  • 77435 – Managing a course of five or more radiation therapies

Nuclear Medicine

Little amounts of radioactive material are employed in nuclear medicine treatments to diagnose and cure medical diseases. These techniques frequently use imaging technologies to find the radioactive substance inside the body.

Some of the essential CPT codes for nuclear medicine procedures in ICD-11 are as follows:

  • 78012 – Thyroid scans and absorption
  • 78816 – body-wide PET scan
  • 78815 – Minimal region PET scan
  • 78906 — Bone scanning, overall
  • 78831 – Tomographic (SPECT), a minimum of two areas (e.g., pelvis and knees, chest, and abdomen) or independent acquisitions (e.g., lung ventilation and perfusion), single-day scanning, or a sole region or acquisition over two or more days.


Radiological procedure CPT codes might appear to be a minor component of healthcare; they are vital for patient treatment. Healthcare providers must ensure accurate billing for radiological operations. By assigning the correct CPT and ICD-11 codes, medical professionals can rest assured that they will be fairly compensated for their work.

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