What are CPT codes for hematology?

The study of blood and tissues that generate blood constitutes the field of medicine known as hematology. While diagnosing, treating, or managing a patient with a hematologic condition, hematologists employ various CPT codes.

Hematologists diagnose, treat, and prevent blood and marrow illnesses. To diagnose and treat disorders of the blood, hematologists use a wide array of medical and surgical techniques. Using codes from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is required by hematological experts to guarantee accurate billing and reimbursement.

Differential Count and Complete Blood Count (CBC)

The CBC is a thorough blood test that reveals the blood’s cellular components, including the quantity and variety of cells. A complete blood count (CBC) with differential is a blood test that gives a more in-depth study of the body’s numerous kinds of white blood cells.

CBC tests frequently utilize the following CPT codes:

  • 85025 – Automatic complete blood count (CBC) (Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC, and platelet count) 85027 – Automated CBC (hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell, white blood cell, and platelet count) and differential WBC count
  • 85004 – Each slide has a blood count and a manual differential WBC count.

Research on Coagulation

Testing the blood’s capacity to clot appropriately is known as a “coagulation study.” The following CPT codes are frequently used for coagulation studies:

  • 85345 – activation of partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
  • 85347 – thrombin interval (PT)
  • 85379 – Time for thrombin

Biopsy and Bone Marrow Aspiration

Hematologic illnesses are evaluated and diagnosed with the help of diagnostic methods, including bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.

The most popular CPT codes for such treatments are:

  • – Aspiration of bone marrow alone.
  • – biopsy of the bone marrow; trocar or needle
  • – biopsy of the bone marrow; extra location; use of a trocar or needle(s)

Electrophoresis of Hemoglobin

Analyzing the various forms of hemoglobin in the blood uses a test called hemoglobin electrophoresis. The following CPT codes are frequently used for hemoglobin electrophoresis:

  • 83021 – Electrophoresis of hemoglobin.
  • 83021-QW –Analysis of hemoglobin via qualitative electrophoresis (separate charge for physician interpretation)

The flow cytometer

Flow cytometry is a laboratory method for analyzing cells in the blood and other fluids. Flow cytometry uses these CPT codes:

  • – the initial marker for flow cytometry
  • – With flow cytometry, each supplementary marker

Transfusion of blood

Hematologists frequently perform blood transfusions, which include transferring one person’s blood or blood products to another. Some frequent CPT codes for transfusions include:

36430 – Use of Direct Blood Grouping for Transfusions

This CPT code is used when a specific blood group transfusion is performed. Transfusing blood from a donor to a receiver with the same blood type is called a direct blood group transfusion.

36415 – Regular venipuncture

Regular venipuncture is a method of obtaining samples of blood from a patient. Before blood transfusions, this therapy ensures donor blood matches the receiver’s blood type.

86920 – Blood Test Analysis

Blood typing tests a person’s blood type. Before a blood transfusion, this test confirms the donor and recipient blood types.


Chemotherapy is a treatment method in which medications specifically target and destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy-related CPT codes include:

96413 – IV Infusion of Chemotherapy

Intravenous (IV) infusion of chemotherapeutic medicines is categorized under this CPT code.

96415 – Push IV for Chemotherapy

This CPT code administers chemotherapeutic medicines by IV push. A small dose of medication is swiftly injected into the veins and circulation.

96401 – Non-Hormonal Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Neoplasms

This CPT code covers the delivery of non-hormonal anti-neoplastic chemotherapeutic medications.


Hematology CPT codes are crucial to the healthcare industry because they provide a standard method for reporting and billing for different hematology procedures and services.

Monitoring and analyzing healthcare data is considerably more manageable with these codes, ensuring proper and adequate reimbursement for healthcare providers.

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